About Us

Designed by women for women.
Whilst recovering in hospital after the birth of her first child, our founder Sinead O’Donovan decided that new mums deserved more help getting back to their busy lives. Drawing on her extensive medical and bio-mechanical background, Sinead envisaged a garment that would be comfortable for new mums to wear all day whilst giving her all the support she and her body need.
With the assistance of Sinead’s fashion designer sister (Carmella) and also Grant Saffer, a Melbourne obstetrician, they produced the first recovery shorts. As with all great ideas, they went through a long period of development to get the product to fulfil her original vision. The panel design wasn’t quite right, so it was redesigned. The available fabrics weren’t quite right, so they made their own.
After two years of development and patient trials, the garment finally met all of their expectations and in 2008 the SRC Recovery Shorts were born. This unique, patented product has now helped thousands of Mums worldwide recover easier & enjoy their baby.
Subsequent to the Recovery short Sinead decided that a comfortable and functional pregnancy garment was also required to treat pain and disability during pregnancy. A similar research and development process to the Recovery short took place and in 2009 the SRC Pregnancy range was available.
Whilst the company and the product range continues to grow, our focus stays clearly on delivering quality garments that meet the real needs of Mum and all her family. We remain committed to original Australian designs that won’t compromise on quality, performance or your expectations. We welcome customer feedback, and will ALWAYS stand behind our product.
Supporting Women
At SRC Health our reason for being is to support women throughout their lives. Our mission is summarised in our dedication to provide “Support for Life”, and we therefore work with organisations and causes that have similar ambitions and can help us achieve this mission.
PANDA – Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia supports women, men and families across Australia to recover from perinatal anxiety and depression, a serious illness that affects around 100,000 Australian families every year. PANDA runs Australia’s only National Helpline that supports new and expecting mums and dads affected by anxiety and depression. The organisation also works to raise awareness in the community, including the signs to look for and where to go to seek support.
SRC Health sees the periods of pregnancy and recovery after delivery as one of the most challenging for women and their families. While SRC Health products play an important role in improving physical wellbeing during this time, emotional and mental health is just as important. In fact, physical and mental wellbeing are intrinsically linked. SRC Health understands this, and so does PANDA.
Perinatal anxiety and depression is common, has many faces and does not discriminate – it can affect anyone, and have devastating consequences for individuals and families if left untreated. SRC Health is committed to raising awareness about perinatal anxiety and depression and is proud to support PANDA in their mission to improve women's emotional and mental health through the challenges of pregnancy and new parenthood.
If you or someone you know is struggling with perinatal anxiety and depression please seek assistance by visiting PANDA– Perinatal Anxiety & Depression Australia or calling the National Helpline 1300 726 306.
SRC Health – proudly supporting PANDA.