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SRC Recovery Shorts & Leggings

Speed up your postpartum recovery. Move more freely & make caring for your baby easier.  97% of our customers would recommend SRC Recovery to other mothers. 1 SRC Recovery Shorts & SRC Recovery Leggings assist in treatment of Abdominal muscle separation (DRAM), C-Section & Perineal wounds and are endorsed by the Australian Physiotherapy Association and Australian College of Midwives.

Ultimate SRC Postpartum Recovery Pack

Rated 4.6 out of 5
Based on 275 reviews

SRC C-Section Recovery Pack

Rated 5.0 out of 5
Based on 14 reviews

SRC C-Section Recovery Shorts

Rated 4.8 out of 5
Based on 59 reviews

SRC Postpartum Recovery Shorts

Rated 4.7 out of 5
Based on 182 reviews

SRC Recovery Short - Mini

Rated 4.6 out of 5
Based on 275 reviews



SRC Postpartum Recovery Leggings

Rated 4.5 out of 5
Based on 132 reviews

Soothe & Protect Breastfeeding Bundle


SRC Scar Repair Care

Rated 4.7 out of 5
Based on 10 reviews

Enjoy the support to move more freely after delivery and make lifting, feeding, bathing and caring for your  baby easier. With no adjustable buttons,  Velcro or zips, SRC Recovery Shorts and Leggings are like a second  skin with no need to constantly adjust  while wearing. Recommended by health care professionals for improving mobility and recovery postpartum. 

SRC Recovery Shorts and Leggings were designed by women for women in consultation with a Melbourne Obstetrician Grant Saffer. While there are other postpartum recovery garments on the market, SRC Recovery Leggings and Shorts are unique in every way from design, materials used and construction, to product longevity.

SRC Recovery Leggings and Shorts are ideal for exercise and for aesthetic reasons under fitted clothing. They can  be worn the day after delivery and for as long as they provide benefit. Anatomical Support Panels deliver targeted compression and are ideal for treating multiple conditions, such as perineal wounds, C-Section, abdominal muscle separation (DRAM).

The SRC Recovery Shorts were subjected to a 100-wash test in which they retained their original size and shape when compared against the competitor recovery garments which shrunk significantly. SRC Recovery Shorts also retained the same level of compression at the conclusion of testing whilst competitor compression garments lost some level of compression.

True Cross Compression (TCC) is another SRC Health innovation that ensures that during activity or movement no compression delivered by the garment is lost at any time. This is achieved by having each layer of fabric being cut on a different plane so that the unique fabric stretches and returns to its original shape consistently after wash and wear.

SRC Recovery Leggings and Shorts provide consistent and constant gentle compression that improves muscle tone and stability and reduces your pelvic and back pain without any risk of muscle deactivation unlike C-Section Recovery Bands and Belts. Designed to be worn under regular clothes, SRC Recovery leggings and shorts will assist you in recovery and rehabilitation after delivery and aid in reduction of any leg swelling. 

You have 3 different choices when it comes to choosing your SRC Recovery garment. 

SRC Recovery Shorts Mini - easiest to put on and wear under shorts, skirts and dresses.
SRC Recovery Shorts (Knee Length) - Better venous return than the Mini. 
SRC Recovery Leggings - Best venous return, great value for money, especially being a wardrobe staple that can be worn to the gym and also to work.

Unlike many of the brands out there SRC Leggings (and Shorts) don’t have branding splashed across the legs making them suitable for everything from going to work and wearing them under a skirt, dress or as you would normal leggings as well making them part of your casual wardrobe or to exercise in and being safe in the knowledge that your Recovery Shorts and leggings are not see-through. 


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